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"It's crucial that we urge companies to institute Time Off to Vote from our perspective as their future employees.”

Jack Malamud, Brown University



"To have a truly flourishing democracy, we have to break down every barrier preventing citizens from exercising their sacred right to vote. It's essential that employers act as stakeholders of a just society by granting workers Time Off to Vote."

Chaze Vinci, Stanford University 



“No student should have to choose between work, family, or school in order to exercise their right to vote.”

Robi Lopez, NYU



"It is vital that our future employers understand ...the vision that our generation holds for the successful functioning of our electoral system."

Katelyn Schwartz, Kenyon College 



“I think that it's extremely important that people don't have to miss out on voting because their work won't allow them.”

Katherine Rose, Santa Clara University 



“We find Time Off to Vote to be extremely important for the message it can send to administrators and future employers about our priorities; we want to ensure that people in positions of power facilitate youth access to voting.”

Meredith McCain, Rice University




© 2020 by Time Off to Vote, a project by Every Vote Counts 

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